Thursday, February 28, 2008

And so it begins

ok.. so my friend Ms. V has invited me to blog on here for a while now, but as all single mom scrapbookers know.. time is well, there isnt any. But I have decided that I need to make time for this. Why, cause as single parents, we share a common bond. We have share in the hardships of doing it all. Now, that is not to say that our married friends dont have issues, they are just not the same issues we share.

so, lets do this shall we! for today's topic.. i want to answer a question I get a lot.

"how do you do it all?"

a: i dont. that is the cold hard reality of raising three daughters as a single parent. i cant do it all. i am SUPER fortunate to have my mother around to help me. she takes care of my girls while i work, so i dont have to worry about that. but, i am a responsible mother... so trust and believe, even with help.. it is a lot to take. this year, i have resolved to try to bring more balance into my life. so now I ask YOU. single moms out there... how do you achieve balance? or at the very least.. what do you do to try to achieve balance. is it even possible? lets discuss.

[and now as I am finishing my post, i am thinking that it would have been way cooler for me to have a layout to go with this topic.. maybe later]

Friday, September 28, 2007

This is for you!

My scrapbooking friends Debbie and Alisa shared this with me, so it counts for this blog.

Hugs to mothers everywhere!


Thursday, August 16, 2007

Another day, another attorney

Another $5,000 retainer quote. Imagine the scrapbooking supplies $5,000 would buy?! I don't want to think about it.

The thing with all this? There is no light at the end of the tunnel.

I mean, the non-custodial parent stops paying child support at some point. In many situations, boom, responsibility is over. Turn eighteen, get the diploma, whatever. There is an end in sight to the responsibility, the "duty."

But for those of us who do the day-to-day parenting (especially those who do 100% of the parenting), it's like laundry: there is no end. We will always care. We will always give. We will always worry. And we will always put our child's needs above our own.

Scrapbooking supplies are a need, you know.

Wish me luck, tomorrow and always.


Monday, July 2, 2007

The Mother and Child Reunion

This Simon & Garfunkel song has been going through my mind all weekend. Today my DS and I are reunited after his two weeks+ at summer camp. Of course he had a wonderful time, and I enjoyed my break, but we both are anxious to be together least until I have to remind him of his chores :-)

I have a layout already designed in my mind. I think I'll get him to help me on it.

Wednesday, May 30, 2007

So, are you supposed to tip the process server?

I mean, what's the etiquette here? I didn't bolt. I answered his inquiries. He kinda stood there, making me wonder if he was an electricity salesman wanting me to switch my service.

My son is nine; this is the first attempt the NCP has made to try to be involved. But it really doesn't count because his lawyer did all the work (uh, template from and my guess is that he won't show for the hearing scheduled next week. Oh yeah, did I mention? I was served 6 days before we're due in front of a judge. Tell me this won't be delayed another three months(no, please, humor me; try to make me laugh).

So I've started brainstorming some ways to scrap this whole thing. Do I really want all this paper following me around? I think maybe I'll scan the docs and make a mosaic with the individual images. Then have a nice shredding party.


Friday, March 30, 2007

The Gift of Scrapbooking

Veronica here... Friday, and I'm relieved to wrap up a really crappy week.

My boyfriend's dog and faithful companion of over 15 years passed away on Wednesday after several days of seizures and constant care. Kiltie meant the world to Eddie, and I am humbled to be the one to comfort him in his deep loss. I plan to print off the many pictures I have of Kiltie and make a simple album so he can remember her and record his feelings for her. As a scrapbooker, I take lots of photos.

This week my child support case was elevated to a custody case and now involves lawyers. So far I have fought this battle alone. I have journaled my thoughts and fears as a way to express my frustrations. Journaling encourages me to search for the meaning of what’s happening in my life and to record my feelings at the time. As a scrapbooker, I journal.

I teach that scrapbooking is the creative preservation of memories using mainly photos, journaling and memorabilia. I truly feel that scrapbooking will help get me through the struggles of this week, just as it helps preserve the joys and celebrations of my life.

You know what I think? I think scrapbooking makes me a better person. Not a better person in comparison to other people, but better than I would be if I didn't scrapbook. It is times like these that I am so thankful for the gift of scrapbooking.

P.S. Ana Cabrera and I have formed the Single Moms of Scrapbooking Club. We invite fellow superwomen who juggle career, motherhood and scrapbooking on their own to share related stories, challenges, advice and support. Please email us to join in.